Mystic Wombman

Majickal Bootcamp

The world is in dire need of more majickal women

Do you feel a connection to an energy or power that feels bigger that life?

Are you curious about Spirituality, Witches, Priestesses, Folklore, Ancient Mythology, Cosmic Concepts, Energy, Transformational Healing and all things Mystical?

Do you want your life to feel enchanting and enriched with deep meaning?

Do you want to wake up with a feeling of reverence and awe for being alive in this time and place?

Do you want to know how to tap into and harness the majick that exists all around you, and use it to transform your life in incredible ways?

Are you curious about how you can access the incredible power of your wombspace and sexual energy to activate your creativity?

If you answered YES... Then keep reading!

  I strongly believe that women hold the keys to revolutionary change in this world and is part of the reason why I have invested so much time and energy in educating and supporting women to connect with and activate their inner wisdom.   I hold the vision for a global coven of fierce loving, kind hearted women who embody the various expressions of the mystic feminine in the ways of the wise woman witch, priestess, sage, medicine woman, seer, dreamers, and luminous leaders.  

 I want to help activate women into claiming the majick of life and wielding the mystical powers of the womens mysteries and divine cosmic energy to great beauty and goodness in the world.   Truth is, there are many paths to walk, that have been imbued by the strength and wisdom of many mystics before us. It is up to us to explore and uncover the truths hidden in plain sight, so as to connect with the divine cosmic intelligence and create with it in such a way that life becomes truly mythical and extraordinary.  

In my heart, I trust that as more women return home, to their inner wisdom and connecting with the land, that healing will ripple out into the field.   The more wisdom we can activate, embody an share with others, the more we have the ability to come together in solidarity as conscious creators to take back the reins and steer this world into the most beautifully bright and majestic future for all.  

For too long the collective HERstory ingrained in us a feeling of unease, shame and disassociation from the majickal arts.

The powerful archetypal energies were desecrated.  


Tongues silenced.  

The wisdom keepers, the dreamers and seers... the majick ones... were shunned and cast out.  
Mystical practices were pushed into the shadows.  

The medicines hidden and then hijacked and synthesised for power and profit.  

 Symbols, music, dance and art were encoded with hidden meanings to anchor the wisdom for those who had eyes to see.  

 Tales were etched into dirt and penned into folklore faery tale books- evoking the fantasy of childhood innocence... in an attempt to diminish the great power of majickal thinking. Over time, the power and meaning of majick was forgotten by the collective...   It became abstract and nonsensical.  

The stuff of myths and legends.   silly child's play and belief.  


Because it was designed to be this way.  
With great power comes great responsibility.  

Too often we hand over responsibility of our creative power to other agenda's that may not actually serve us in the long run.  
 Industries have built significant influence over the agency of Self, by tapping into the power of majickal realms.  
 Majick is ALL AROUND US.  

To create majick, one must first believe in it. You have to remember...  

And I want to help do that, in a very practical way. 

It's not about having perfectly intoxicating and alluring, romantic imagery for your social media feed... you know... the smoke, candles and burnt edge paper.
With the wisdom to see clearly, even the seemingly mundane can become a mystical experience!

What can you expect?

for curious women who are time poor, fascinated about all the mystical, majickal, witchy woo -woo things... and need to learn more about that world and how it all work!!!

  Mystic Wombman- Majickal Bootcamp is a 5 week intensive that gives you all the insight into mystical, majickal and esoteric concepts, spiritual wisdom, ceremonial majicjk, sacred tools, embodiment and alignment practices, resources + so much more.  It's jam packed!!!  

This is something I wish was available when I first started my Spiritual path, because holy moly- it would have saved so much time, energy and money.  

If you're just starting your spiritual journey this is THE course that will help you cut through the fluff and gain a deeper understanding of majick as a lifestyle, plus accessing your own inner wisdom, and how to create a phenomenal SUPER natural life that constantly inspires you into a state of awe and wonder.  

I want to help activate as many women as possible to the unlimited creative and majickal potential of living during this time of conscious awakening. Mystic Wombman Majickal Bootcamp is an INTENSIVE... There is SO MUCH shared over 5 modules, designed as a 5week home study program. So if it get's too much it's ok... you will have all the material to go through at your own pace and you have it for life!

Course Curriculum

 Multi-media delivery includes written lessons, recorded audio + video to enhance your learning experience. 

 Your resident Wise Wombman and Modern Mystic 

Hi, I'm Donna Raymond

An artist and the creatrix of the Wise Wombman Wisdom School. I'm here to activate a deep sense of remembering in Women who have chosen to walk a path of Spiritual connection, majick and creativity.

I'm wonderfully weird and I've been told I swear to much... But that won't stop me from sharing my wisdom, and practices that have helped me create the most wildly out of this world majickal life.

Oh the stories I could tell you!

I've been called a trippy hippy, a witch, weirdo, freak and all the other wonderful ways people label me so that I make sense and fit into their world.

 But truth is, I'm not "normal" in any sense of the word, and even though I've had my own struggles to fully embrace who I am and what I'm here to do. Even though I have tried... I've never quite felt like I fit in.

I'm a wild visionary who weaves words, stories and moments to create transformational healing and connection to what is genuinely meaningful and Sacred. I am a proud free-birthing, Mystical Mama who lives in a small village amongst the oldest rainforest in the world.

 A daughter and devotee to Spirit and Sacred Lore. I'm a way-shower, seer, pathfinder, potential extractor and reality hacker.

A rebel entrepreneur. A voice of hope for those that feel silenced in fear and the pain of this human experience.

Above all else, I am a woman on a mission to embody my highest truth and potential in the most grounded and beautifully messy way possible, and to help others do the same.

I'm unique, just like everyone else! and I don't take myself too seriously. HA!

I believe in a world where we all feel inspired to create a positive impact by embodying our Soul's truth in service to the greater good of all, including the future generations.

As reality hacker I am constantly pushing the boundaries of my own belief of what is possible to create in this world... and Im super curious to see where my life leads in the expansive creative potential of living life with Purpose... ON purpose.

I reject the systems of oppression and seek liberation daily.

Majick is my life.
Let me share it with you!

 ""The experience is truly a Blessing, I'm still into it, taking all my time to go through the precious nectar
(and maybe also because I do not want it to end) 
Donna, Thank You for this Gift that you are and share with so much truth, depth, authenticity and generosity " ." 

Manuela Segura

Majick teaches us that not all is as it seems... it gives us new eyes to see, and opens us to worlds of possibility that can blow our minds in awe and reverence for the Divine Wisdom that flows through all things. 

"The course was epic Donna. Like the one before it. You are beyond incredible to create such a comprehensive, well researched and sequential subject flow into that 5 week program.. well done Mama! - especially with all them beautiful babies of yours, your beloved, womb fruit ripening, business and everything else that you do with grace. I am in awe of your commitment and passion. Grateful to know you and have access to your wisdom sharing. All my love."

Freedom Burns

Join the Mystic Wombman- Majickal Bootcamp as a VIP and receive:

3 x 90min 1on1 mentoring calls with me (Valued at $999) PLUS! Private client messenger access to me for 3days following our calls for personalised mystic mentoring and follow up support!

Course Pricing

"Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase our every action."

Dorothy Morrison

Donna Raymond Raymond