
Spiritual Women who are ready to go NEXT LEVEL with their Manifestation skills by harnessing the potent creative energy of the Womb.

WombManifest is designed as a self paced course for women to help connect with the potent energy of their wombspace, amplifying the ability to create and manifest what is truly desired in an authentic and empowered way.
 Using Sacred Feminine practices which explore the depths of the womb, women have the opportunity to work with the innate gifts of the feminine to align with their greater dreaming and learn how to “birth” these dreams, ideas and goals into reality. Whether these dreams and goals relate to Business, Health, Wealth, New Opportunities, Partnership, Pregnancy/Birth etc, WombManifest will help attract and magnetise these experiences in an easy and pleasurable way.

The general consensus is that many heart centred women, just like you, have been feeling exhausted, disconnected and disempowered by the current state of affairs. Somehow conjuring materialistic items isn’t satisfying and you are searching for more depth and intimate connections to Spirit and ways in which you can live a life of purpose and meaning.
That feeling of heaviness in the heart has crept in, and empaths around the world have been struggling with finding a clear way through… You have been feeling so overwhelmed from processing collective energy, that you have no reserves left for manifesting your own dreams and desires… and so the path ahead looks scary and unfamiliar.
What are we co-creating together as a collective?
How will this affect the future generations?
Tapping into your Sacred Womb as a feminine power centre allows you to draw upon Source energy to create with, rather than using your own which can leave you feeling empty and depleted.

New Age Manifestation techniques out there teach on the “LAW OF ATTRACTION” , and usually focus on the acquisition of material gain *ahem* remember that movie, The Secret? Things don’t magically fall into your lap simply because you wish for them to or because you have them stuck to that vision board stashed in the back of your cupboard.For Manifestation to work, you need to uncover and release any underlying subconscious beliefs, and find a way to anchor the core of what it is you desire.
There is no Silver Spoon.
Consequently most people preaching the art of manifestation come off as being super cosmic and fluffy. People often wonder how to relate to people jumping on the Spiritual bandwagon if they are not grounded in the presence of their body.That’s why I created this WombManifest course- to share my wisdom and embodiment practices that I use to manifest the life that I love.
And do you want to know the biggest manifestation secret?
There is a Sacred tool that can be used to anchor bold dreaming and by using various sacred rituals and practices, becomes THE MOST POTENT AND POWERFUL TOOL for manifestation and alignment that a woman has access to…
and it’s inside of you…

Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Donna Raymond.
I am a Sacred Feminine Educator and founder of Wise Wombman.  
Over the last several years I have worked as a Spiritual Mentor, creating transformational journey work that has helped hundreds of women connect with their womb and alchemise trauma and emotional debris to clear space for what they truly want, so as to embody themselves as Sovereign and the Creators of their own lives beyond story, limiting beliefs, social and ancestral imprints.
 I have helped change lives in profound ways and I am so blessed to be able to see the ripple effects of this type of work.
 As a Wise Woman and intuitive Visionary Artist with a background in fine arts, I have a natural ability to perceive the world a little differently and through many initiations from Spirit, I have remembered many sacred ways of the Priestess.  
Bridging these innate talents and creativity with my very analytical mind, I began to seek and explore the world of psychology, philosophy and other mystical and esoteric practices to begin to understand why we do what we do and the nature between cause and effect.
Over the years I have used what I have learned to manifest a life I love, one that keeps getting better!  
This has included naturally birthing my 4 beautiful children (freebirthing 3 at home), aligning with my soul mate, moving into the residence I call home which also served as a communal space and Womb Temple for many years, writing and publishing a book, being a guest speaker and Biz Mentor whilst creating a wisdom school and service based business that I absolutely LOVE which is continuing to grow and expand!  

All of which I KNEW were part of my journey, before they existed in the physical plane.  

Life is great now, but it hasn’t always been so…  I was great at creating the life of my dreams…  

So I made many mistakes along the way which lead to a collapsing Art business, experiencing a psychologically abusive marriage which ended in divorce and consequently journeying through mild depression and debt.  Though it took 2 years to recover and understand what happened and how distortions were created, I have now integrated the medicine from those experiences to be able to share with others so those threads are not repeated.  

So, Let me guide you on a deep and expansive journey into your inner worlds to align with your most potent dreaming.  
I’m not talking about fluffy manifestation of ‘things’, I’m talking about becoming crystal clear on what it is your truly desire and doing the work necessary to align with that big, bold vision!
Working with various majickal practices I will help you to magnetise and give birth to your desires with pleasure

Course Curriculum

Donna Raymond Raymond

Samantha Jane

"I felt compelled to work with Donna because I have been fortunate enough to witness her manifest and create her dreamings; to experience and feel her hold space for others, including myself when working through our shadow stuff, and because of the calm, wise, supportive energy I feel whenever in her presence. Also due to wanting, needing to move through my programming / shadow stuff and I see Donna’s footprints just ahead of me… Donna has also help me identify and feel the power within me"

Nálii Kreéture

"Previously experiencing the majick that Donna weaves, naturally I feel drawn to her work. Her teachings are deep and profound, spiritual or otherwise.  Her guidance has always resonated with me, she speaks from a place of sincerity, experience and love.  Unlike conventional business teachings where the evident objective tone regarding your outcome sabotage your experience, upon the realization that you are no more than a dollar sign.  Donna has helped me open doors I didn’t know existed – So I am very much looking forward to this course, and what the future holds."

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